Recent News

NPN members had a GREAT time on July 19, 2022 at our annual get-together.
Thanks to Robin Ruddy at Best Built Songs on 16th Avenue for hosting us!

Members and guests enjoyed great food and great networking.

Meeting Guests

At our regular meetings every month, NPN is honored to present a guest speaker who is an expert in some aspect of the music business in Nashville.

We also welcome artists looking to find great songs for their next project. NPN member companies own and manage some of the best song catalogs in the world and can provide quality songs and tracks in virtually every genre.

Some of our recent artists and speakers.

Shane Barrett

Music Legend Fred Vail

Taylor Cullen

Tony Mantor

Martin Family Circus aka Rockland Road

Dallas Gregory

Crosby Lane

Recording Industry Icon Fred Foster

Brett Beavers

Steve Bloch
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